Sunday, July 13, 2008

iPhone software update, Mobile ME

So I held off getting the new iPhone 3g device. I know....those of you who know will be surprised. However, I really want a 32GB iPhone.....and all they have is the 16GB version. Granted this is twice the capacity of my existing phone (and at $300 less than when I first bought it) but I rather not have any "regrets" if they did come out with something by year end (e.g. holiday time). So, other than a slightly different form factor, built in GPS and 3G support....the software update gave me everything else.

The downside.....the software update process took forever to complete. There was communication problems between Apple and AT&T. The process should have taking less than an hour but it turned into 7 or so with all the devices "hitting the iTunes store". However, the update is performing well and the range of iPhone applications is quite impressive....and I'm just talking about the free ones.

The process started about midnight EST when Apple released the new version of iTunes that supported the application feature. I downloaded this prior to the software 2.0 update being released....thinking it would save me some time later on. I began to add some free apps thinking I beat the rush so when I did synch my phone up.....I be ahead of the game. Sadly, I wasn't but in the end it worked out. I'm just disappointed that Apple had that major hiccup. Really unacceptable for a flagship product of theirs.

Now a few days later they released their Mobile Me software update. This basically replaced their .MAC network offering. So this give you access to web versions of the core applications that ship with every mac. The big deal here is that synchronization can not occur over the air versus having to be hard wired (speaking of terms of the iPhone). We have three Macintoshes at home that have been using .MAC synch features for several years now. All bookmarks, mail account settings, calendar and contacts are automatically in sych with each other regardless of where the data was entered.

So me is working out. The initial synch is taking sometime. I'll let you know what happens with it.