Thursday, June 02, 2005

Broadcast Flag - Will not be enforceable this July

About a month ago it was announced that the Broadcast Flag will be dismissed. So this means no changes to new recording hardware or how we use existing hardware. The DC court ruled that the FCC does not have the jurisdiction to control how a signal is to be used once it has entered the communication device. Now that is a very broad explanation I gave but more or less correct. Will this stop premium content providers from seeking what they want?...No, they will either ask for the same thing again OR change the avenue in how they ask. I can see both sides here. Those providing content want to make sure that they receive all potential revenue from the content they are providing. Would you want to pay for your cable service just to have your neighbor leach off your signal. At the same time I see fair use as something that shouldn't be messed with or else no one will want to buy any premium content. (Why buy something that you can't modify (view in different locations/formats etc.))

Anyway, things will be OK for now.

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